by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Aug 7, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir, Uncategorized
This past weekend a visitor was found to be driving golf balls off one of the MCR dike trails into the reservoir. Apparently this not the first time that visitors driving golf balls into MCR has occurred, as we have found litter in the form of golf tees and discarded...
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 27, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir
Coyotes are highly intelligent animals that adapt well to changing habitats and conditions and are an important part of the natural world here at MCR. We frequently see them in the early morning and late afternoon, roaming the fields (especially at the fields closest...
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 26, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir, Plants
Merrill Creek Reservoir implements ecological forest stewardship under our State approved Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) (for a list of what must be included and address in a FSP please see this link). Based on data collection, on average our forests at Merrill Creek...
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 25, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir, Plants
Merrill Creek Reservoir (MCR) was once home to the Ruffed Grouse. However, over recent decades the Ruffed Grouse disappeared not only from MCR, but according to NJDFW, the Ruffed Grouse range has been shrinking dramatically in NJ (and in some areas of the State they...
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 15, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir
According to NJDFW, “The Northern Gray Treefrog spend most of its time high in the trees, except during breeding season when they are at the water’s edge. Bare horizontal branches over water are the preferred calling sites during breeding season. They breed in vernal...
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 14, 2023 | Animals, Eagles, Merrill Creek Reservoir
MCR Eagle update: Our two pairs of nesting Eagles are still seen regularly bringing fish and snakes into both nests to feed young. Both nests hatched young very late this year and typically the young would have fledged by now, but they haven’t. It has been very...