With snow on the ground at MCR this is a great time to look for animal tracks! This past year we had a few surprises at MCR with the confirmation of porcupine, fisher and river otter on the property! That said, here is a great link for a pocket printout for animal tracks to take with you when hiking at MCR. Although this is a Massachusetts guide, aside from moose and snowshoe hare, all other animals on the guide can be found at MCR. https://www.mass.gov/doc/identify-animal-tracks/download
NOTE: Ruffed Grouse as listed on this MA pocket track guide were once plentiful at MCR, but sadly they are no longer here due to changes to their preferred habitat of young forest. Basically over the years through natural succession, the forests at MCR matured at the same time leaving no real diversity of forest age class. However, MCR is working on having a balance of habitat types and forest ages classes here through the implementation of our NJDEP approved Forest Stewardship Plan so hopefully we do not lose another iconic wildlife species of NJ’s natural heritage again. However, if you do see or hear a Ruffed Grouse at MCR please try to get a photo or a recording of it, note your location on the property, and contact John Parke at Jparke@merrillcreek.com.