Many neo-tropical migrant bird species are now back at MCR, such as this Scarlet Tanager seen along Fox Farm Road. Breeding Scarlet Tanagers prefer forest with mature trees. However, they forage and bring their young to feed in shrubby young forest areas where there is an abundance of insects (especially caterpillars). Having forest age-class diversity, as well as structure and vegetation diversity, is key to survival of many forest interior breeding birds, such as the Scarlet Tanager, that rely on close proximity of different habitat types for their life-cycle. At MCR we are implementing conservation practices under a NJ State Approved Forest Stewardship Plan that will help create age-class diversity and vegetation structure and diversity to support birds such as the Scarlet Tanager! Photo by John Parke
Neo-tropical migrant bird species back at MCR!
by Merrill Creek Reservoir | Jul 12, 2023 | Animals, Merrill Creek Reservoir, Migration