MCR Eagle update: Our two pairs of nesting Eagles are still seen regularly bringing fish and snakes into both nests to feed young. Both nests hatched young very late this year and typically the young would have fledged by now, but they haven’t. It has been very difficult to see chick activity in the nest due to the leaf cover as they are only really visible by boat. However, the proud parents appear to make themselves available for photo opps around the reservoir! We also have a juvenile Eagle that has been here since April that seems to have also taken up residence at MCR. Here are some amazing photos of both pairs of parents, as well as, the Juvenile recently taken by visitors, Louis Schartz and Lynn Bowlby.

Please note that over the last few weeks we have had several incidents with visitors flying drones over the reservoir. The use of drones at MCR is strictly prohibited for two reasons, 1) security purposes – remember we are a private facility with a dam that must comply with the Department of Homeland Security, 2) we have animals here –(ESPECIALLY BALD EAGLES NESTING), that drone use can cause harm to the wildlife including nest abandonment, fledgling abandonment, collisions, and behavior impacts. NOTE: Eagles and many other raptors are territorial when nesting and may perceive drones and other loud equipment as a threat, resulting in serious consequences – from lost energy defending their nest and egg failure, to eaglet death and potential injury to the adult birds. Please don’t bring your drone to MCR, because you risk not only having your equipment confiscated, permanently being banned from MCR, and winding up on a law enforcement list – but you could contribute to the loss of the very wildlife that makes MCR so special.