Big Congratulations to the 2023 graduating class of the NJ Youth Corps of Phillipsburg! MCR is very proud to be working with NJYCP and we were honored to host a graduation ceremony for this outstanding local organization and its staff, students, families and friends!

Over the course of the students time with NJ Youth Corps – they have worked on numerous conservation projects at Merrill Creek Reservoir and other locations: removing invasive plants, maintaining trails for recreation and creating nurturing habitats. Our students became stewards of over 1,000 acres of public lands.  The work they have done mirrors the efforts they will need for the rest of their life.  As they go forward, my advice is that they be the best stewards not just of the planet – but of their hearts and minds.  Keep working hard to blaze their own trail through life.  And tend to the acreage of their heart and soul as the world needs more of that.” – Mike Muckle, Director of NJ Youth Corps of Phillipsburg

For folks reading this post that do not know about NJ Youth Corps of Phillipsburg and its exceptional educational programing and community services projects, check out their website at http://www.njycphillipsburg. com. Thank you again NJYCP students and staff for all you do at MCR to assist with stewarding our natural resources and trails!!