MCR is NOT open Sunrise to Sunset.
**Effective 1/15/25: Merrill Creek Reservoir (MCR) – Currently Temporarily Closed Due to Confirmed Cases of Bird Flu Virus**
Merrill Creek Reservoir (MCR)
**Tentative Re-open date April 1, 2025**
Following our temporary closure due to Avian Influenza, and after careful review of conditions and consultation with agencies, MCR is planning to re-open our facilities to the public, tentatively, on April 1, 2025. This date is subject to change should conditions not continue to improve.
To protect the health and safety of the public, all visitors must take the following precautions:
Avoid contact with dead or sick birds and bird feces and report sightings to staff
Despite thorough cleaning and recovery efforts, the highly pathogenic Avian Influenza may still exist on site in bird remains, feces and/or feathers so DO NOT Handle.
If dead or sick birds are seen at MCR, DO NOT Handle; please call 908-454-3339 to report them.
Decontaminate footwear and gear & sanitize hands
Please arrive at MCR prepared to decontaminate your footwear and gear after hiking (i.e. Lysol and hand sanitizer) to prevent the contamination, contraction, and spread of the H5N1 virus. If you come in contact with water at the property, please avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth until hands have been cleaned/sanitized (i.e. soap and water or hand sanitizer).
Follow all posted signs and instructions – Keep Pets on a Physical Leash at ALL times
In order to protect the health and safety of our visitors and to prevent the spread of the highly pathogenic Avian Influenza visitors MUST pay attention and follow warnings on posted signs throughout MCR. DO NOT go off trail.
Unfortunately, the outbreak at MCR has claimed hundreds of Snow Geese, several Canada Geese, hawks, crows, as well as two juvenile Bald Eagles. MCR’s mitigation efforts are ongoing.
We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience our temporary closure may have caused. Please reach out with questions.
Thank you,
MCR Management
VERY IMPORTANT: Seasonal gate closure hours are in effect. WHEN we reopen current gate closing time between March 16, 2025 and the Friday before Memorial Day will be 6:30 PM
MCR performs maintenance duties on both trails and dam/dike structures routinely and we do our best to inform the public prior to scheduled work. However, there are times when prior notification is not possible because of emergency and/or weather-related situations (downed trees, washouts, etc). In cases like these, MCR places large orange Trail Closure signs at areas that are being worked on. If you encounter a Trail Closure sign while on a trail DO NOT enter that area or walk past the closure signs as you will put yourself and others working in the area at risk. Entering work areas that have been posted with warning signage is grounds for immediate removal from the property and permanent banning from the property. DO NOT ASSUME work is complete until all trail closure signs are removed from an area. Please take Trail Closure signs seriously – it really does mean do not enter. It is for your safety and the safety of others.
Please note that it is very important to leave the property by the gate closure times posted. Not leaving the property by the posted property gate closure time is an offense which will result in your vehicle information being submitted to law enforcement and will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, permanent banning from the property, fines and/or police involvement as anyone on the property before or after property operation hours is considered trespassing under Harmony Township Ordinance (O: 23-07) which carries up to a $700.00 fine (As MCR is PRIVATE PROPERTY. MCR is NOT a state, county or municipal park or playground).
NOTE: Boat ramp / kayak launch closure times are different than property closing times, they are typically 1 hour prior to property gate closure – check the white-board at the ramp for ramp / kayak launch closing times. Our boat ramp and kayak launches close at the time posted on the white-board at the ramp. All watercraft MUST be off the water by the ramp/launch closure time, not by the time the property gates close. This means no watercraft is to be on the water, the ramp, at a dock or launch area at, or after, the time posted for Ramp/Launch closure. GIVE yourself plenty of time to make sure you are off the water and ramp/launch areas prior to the time posted for ramp/launch closure. This is an offence which will result in your vehicle and/or boat information submitted to law enforcement and will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, permanent banning from the property.
Perimeter Trail (Black Trail) New Permanent Reroute News:
Working with the New Jersey Youth Corps of Phillipsburg, the students have created a reroute of the Perimeter Trail (Black Trail) associated with the area of the former footbridge that was destroyed from a storm and flood waters.
This re-route is necessary because it has been determined that due to several NJDEP regulations that were not in effect when the old bridge was built and the fact that the storm and flood inadvertently created critical habitat needed for 2 NJDEP listed wildlife species, we cannot rebuild a bridge at that location. Therefore, the new trail reroute has been blazed and extends to a natural creek crossing that should not wash out or accumulate debris in high-water as it did at the area of the former footbridge. Please use this reroute and cross at the new area. Please do not cross at the area of the former footbridge.
So please plan your hikes accordingly based on this information.
MCR welcomes our visitors to enjoy all of the recreational opportunities that Merrill Creek has to offer, but we ask for your cooperation in being respectful to your fellow visitors, as well as MCR employees, park only at designated parking areas (not on the side of any road, unless authorized), as well as adhering to all MCR rules and regulations. Thank you.
Merrill Creek Reservoir
Property Operation Hours
Property gates open year-round at 7:00 AM
VERY IMPORTANT: Seasonal gate closure hours are in effect. Current Gate Closing time between October 1, 2024 and March 15, 2025 is 4:30 PM
NOTE: boat ramp & kayak launch area closure times are different than property closing times – check white-board at boat ramp for ramp & kayak launch area closing times
Entire Property, including all Trails, Parking Areas, and Reservoir Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Day
The Visitor’s Center is open Wednesday thru Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM year-round, except for New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Merrill Creek Reservoir (MCR) is a privately-owned property, and its main purpose is to store and maintain a large water supply that can be released to the Delaware River in times of low flow. While it is not a park or other publicly run facility, MCR grants access to the public so they can enjoy its tranquil setting and natural environment, and participate in limited low-impact recreational activities.
Click on map to enlarge.